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Friday, March 7, 2008


This has been quite a week ! 2 days in a workshop in DC, first week of the month & a fight with the "tax Man." No one can say I lead a dull life !

I learned some very valuable stuff in that workshop that will hopefully turn some hard work into GOLD ! My first chance to test it out will be this summer. I'm not intimidated by the work, however the amount of tee crossing & eye dotting will be daunting and probably have me second or even triple guessing myself & my abilities. We'll just have to wait & see ...."ever onward & upward."

I did NOT relish the getting up at 0'darkthirty to catch the train, but did enjoy the snooze on the way up there. Something lulling about the train -- even with the incessant clattering & yapping. I've tried to read & do puzzles but it reeeeeeeeely farks up my equilibrium & I'm nauseous for a long time afterwards. So sleep is the only thing left. And it helps to recoup the lost z's from having to get up so dammed early.

Alas it is that time & I must get my move on. Here's hoping today goes by super fast & that the weekend proves worth the wait.

take care .... stay kool .... be content MK

Monday, March 3, 2008

A week of Mondays

Monday once again. I'm trying to get not excited necessarily, but at least accepting. We did some MAJOR yardwork yesterday & my aging body is reminding me that I'm NOT 22 yrs old anymore. Sucks, but someone has to do it.

Watched a relatively informative (if depressing) DVD last night -- Two Weeks starring Sally Field & others. She played a woman dying of either stomach or intestinal cancer. The story revolved around her 4 children & HER video testament. Went thru 4 Kleenexes but came away with a new respect for dying & dignity. There were some very hilarious moments that I'm sure really DO happen in RL.

Before THAT DVD we watched Martian Child with John Cusak, Joan Cusak, Amanda Peet, & others. Moralistic, but not preachy movie about a kid who creates a world of his own as a coping mechanism to this world & John Cusak's character adopts him. It's a we-need-each-other-but-don't-know-it-yet movie.

So all tolled, twas a learning & depressing Sunday. I'm assuming the rest of the week will be mediocre in comparison. Although I DO have a 2 day workshop on Grant Writing come Wed. & Thurs. in DC. I'll get to ride the ol' VRE again. I'm hoping this workshop will allow me some insight on how to separate rich, benevolent philanthropic people/companies from their millions to aid in the provision of a relative normal life to disabled folks. We'll see.

Well it's 0720 & I'm supposed to be out the door in 10, so I'd better scoot. I may be back later ....... or not.

take care .... stay kool .... be content MK