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Monday, April 14, 2008

Death makes a visit .... twice.

I had an interesting convo last night. Seems my aunt died (my father's brother's wife). Now, I didn't particularly like this aunt, but your relatives you're kinda stuck with. Anyhoo, come to find out this aunt died LAST MONTH & we're just now hearing about it. Not really unusual considering THIS particular side of the family -- saying they were/are kinda weird is being nice.

Then this very morning right after rising I had yet another encounter of sorts with Death. Went into the bathroom, turned on the light, proceeded across the hall into the office to turn on the 'puter & out of the corner of my eye I see a woman wearing a white-ish dress walk by. I walked out & down the hall, turned on the hall light to witness my Maine Coon Bennie, fully arched with fur at attention. No other pets were around & my SO was still peacefully snoring in the bedroom.

I wasn't freaked at the "sighting," as much as Bennie's reaction. THAT made the hairs on my neck & arms raise. Previous owner checking things out ? I doubt it. I know for a fact that the original owner of the house was alive when the people WE bought it from, purchased it. And that couple were both younger than us when WE bought it. Was it
my unfavorite aunt visiting ? A fig newton of Bennie's & mine imaginations ? Who's to say for sure.

This is all slightly disconcertingly interesting. I can either chalk it up to trickery of lighting or the freaking out of the cat who in turn freaked ME out. Or wait to see if I'm the recipient of another visit. Either way, I'm not the type to turn ALL the lights on in the house & have TVs & stereos on to "ward off spirits." My philosophy is, if you leave them alone, they'll reciprocate in kind......... I hope.

take care .... stay kool .... be content MK

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