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Friday, April 4, 2008

Obsession takes a BITCH

Have you ever known a person soooooooo obsessed that it was almost comical ? Comical and downright scary and/or weird depending on YOUR pov. I've recently become the "victim" of one person's obsession. Said person is not a very nice person & shows that component of their personality on a regular basis. I can't help but wonder what makes a person so very angry and lonely that their only chance at being happy is at the trashing of others.

I can be a BEYOTCH, don't get me wrong. It usually rears it's ugliness upon provocation & rarely sticks around long. Usually long enough to make the point & then disappears. THIS person however, is a bitch 24/365. Doesn't matter if YOU have made contact or not -- they SEEK you out in order to spill their obnoxious venom & then hang around waiting to strike over & over & over. How sad is this person ? No, I don't have empathy or sympathy for this person -- disdain & disgust, yes. I've even asked why ME ? They can't even be civil in their answer -- EVERYTHING is laced with venom.

WTF have I done to this person, you may ask ? Nada, nil, zippity-doo-dah, goose eggs. I guess I could say I AM & that's provocation enough, but that seems ridiculous & infantile. Nope can't think of anything, but then again this person rarely crosses my mind -- UNTIL I get blindsided by their nastiness & unhealthy obsession. I laughed at someones mention of cyber-stalking, but upon every new "encounter," I'm beginning to wonder myself. I've suggested they get a year's supply of AAA batteries so that their Pocket Rocket never runs down. I figured no one can continue being nasty whilst "riding the wave," right ? Obviously this person is a candidate for Ripley's Believe It or Not.

So I'll just not think about -- until the next encounter. Color me sooo anticipatory. /sarcasm

take care .... stay kool .... be content MK

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