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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life is fragile ....... A note to Mom

The day is gray; the sky is weeping ...... kinda apro pos considering had Mom lived, today would be the 83rd anniversary of her grand entrance into this world. I can't even fathom living till 83 much less 50 (which is the expected "odometer" reading come next January). Simply boggles the mind that the span of one's lifetime is made up these 12 month increments spread out many years and that are supposed to reflect what it is that makes you YOU.

All I can say is that I miss her tremendously, but I'm satisfied that her long suffering finally ended. She was existing and in no way what could be construed as "living." Such a hard ending for such a kool lady. I LOVE & MISS YOU, MOM !!!

And I promise to keep myself out of trouble (unless IT comes looking for me !) and to take my meds like a good girl. I promise to try & keep my temper .... well, tempered. I promise to love & cherish the love of my life till the very end. I promise to keep the lines of communication open between my siblings -- can't guarantee THEY'LL reciprocate with each other. I promise to let more stuff roll off the back -- after all shit rolls downhill, right ?

I sincerely hope that I was more of a accomplishment than a disappointment in your eyes. In MY eyes, it's a crap shoot on most days. I sincerely hope you and Pop and Nana and Grandpa had a STUPENDOUS reunion (tell them all "HI ! I love youse guys and I'm doing fine.") !! When I imagine the most perfect setting , I see you and Pop cutting a rug to some Chet Atkins or Glenn Miller; maybe snuggling on the couch. These images are borne from my childhood memories and it's what I'd want Eternity to be for you !

I have to go now, but I just wanted to wish you the happiest of birthdays, Mom. I love & miss you more than I probably ever told you while you were only a phone call away. And don't worry too much over me -- I'm a tough old bird and it takes a lot to knock me down .... much less to keep me there !


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